Soothing Pink Iced Tea | Chamomile & Honey Iced Tea Recipe


Join me today as I show you how to make a beautiful pink iced tea with chamomile and honey! This soothing and refreshing drink is perfect for relaxing on a hot summer day.

I'll be using chamomile tea bags and dried flowers to create a tea concentrate. Then we'll add some honey for sweetness, a dash of pink food coloring for fun, and finish it off by filling a glass with ice. Garnish with a lemon slice and enjoy this delicate floral iced tea!

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Ready in 5 minutes

Serves 1 person


  • 1 chamomile tea bag / 1 tbsp dry flowers

  • Honey to taste

  • Pink food colouring

  • Ice


  1. Prepare the tea as per directions on the package. 

  2. If using home dried chamomile flowers, then you can add the flowers in water and boil for a few minutes, then allow the flowers to sit for 10 minutes in the water, then strain. 

  3. Pour the tea in a glass jar, add honey to taste.

  4. Add a few drops of food colouring.

  5. Add ice cubes 

  6. Mix well and enjoy!


I used pre-filled ice cubes and I would recommend you use the same, as they don’t melt and so it won’t dilute the tea, however it will definitely cool it down!


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